Dear Mom,
I can't believe al will be getting into the MTC right after I complete my 2nd transfer!
I'm not allowed on facebook yet, but There's rumours that we're getting Ipads suuuuper soon. Like this week at Zone conference possibly...
This week has been super tough.. Like you Elder Crake doesn't want me to have any regrets so he pushes me hard. I've been learning how to be a lot more confident in who I am and What I say and do. We participated in the Winnipeg harvest last week and it took a lot of our time so we weren't able to teach as many people as we would've liked to last week but we were able to meet lots of people that we plan on teaching this week. We met someone who loves music, we taught him the restoration on his door step and we're going back later this week. We;re teaching a Chinese family tonight and we're teaching a jamaican family on thursday, and we're teaching this guy tomorrow, and we're teaching another investigator on saturday and we're teaching this wonderful hyperactive native family on wednesday hopefully : P
It's going to be such a hectic week... When we're not teaching, we're looking for people to teach : P Wether that's talking to people on the streets or asking anyone we talk to if they know anypone who would be interested in hearing about the message we share, or playing hymns on guitar in parks, or playing sports and making friends, we don't tract too much but we knock the odd door everyonce in a while : P
Last night we had dinner at a member family's home it was incredible, they had at least 50 people there, including a recent convert. We played guitar, sang and I bumped into The Ericksons! Who were in our ward in Calgary 5 years ago! They live in saskatoon now! Also I'm in Ben Barfusses uncle's and Aunt's ward : P Jessica smith is Vicki Barfuss's sister! They look really identical.
Also yesterday we taught the youth in sunday school. We taught them to feed the missionaries ; )))
They have a really small youth group. I'm so grateful for the ward's in calgary, there was about 7 youth and 3 of them were \visiting. I know that young men's was the best possible place for me to be through my teenage years, Jacob, Al, Quade, kendall, Robbie, Dravyn, Ben, Carter, Nathan, and so many more.. the list could go on forever, they'll be my friends for Life. I will never forget the times we had, and the fun that we had, and the havoc we wreaked.
I can't believe how much I took for granted back home.
Next sunday we have a musical fireside that Elder Crake and I both are in, I even put together a guitar piece of love one another to play in it. The theme of the fireside Is families, we've been inviting everyone to come and to bring their families. I miss you all so much.
Tell my friends to quit being butts and email me... Especially Josie and Kyle.. and Al.
Check out the new missionary dress standards on !
Elder Olguin
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